Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Do not lead me into temptation, I can walk myself

I have been thinking of those salesman and women. Those who calls you at home or harass you in the shopping centre. It is almost as bad as a sexual harassment when for examlpe a man wont take no for an answer when he makes a sexual advance on a woman.They do not take no for an answer either.

This sunday i was at the Marieberg shoppingcentre with a very good friend of mine when a local fuel and powercompany wanted to get the vistors to buy their product, electricity in this case.

It is easy to understand what criteria is focused on when they choose sales people for such commission. One girl tried to make an advance on me but my dear friend dismissed her quite violently, with words of course,and my friend told me that those girl with their pretty eyelashes wont lay their hands on me. I was pretty amused by that. My female friend had a much easier task to bite of those questions that come from a fellow woman than i had *S*

That was when the thought come to me that it was quite simmilar to the sexual advance analogy.I kept telling them no but yet they didn't stop harassing me until my friend so efficiently dissmissed them *lol*
It is pretty clear to me that the boys, girls, man and women that is selected as a public salesman like the one described above is choosen not just becuse their abilitys as a salesperson but on their looks and abillities to ensnare the opposite sex.

Enought about that
How could it be so problematic to work together. I mean, for example we have the global pollution problem and we need to work together to solve it and it will cost sever hundred billions of but the profit would be incalculable. It's like that for everything, war, internet infrastructure, cybercrime.food supply and so on. Why is every country so reluctant to work together for a common goal, selfishness? Politics?
I think the politicians nowdays is not as hardcore as they would need to be when it comes to unpleasant topics.They are politicians for themselves not for the people they are supposed to represent.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

First of First

So this is my first contribution to his blogg. So what shall this fork handle?
Actually it's going to consist of anything that does not fit the other forks and even some that would fit in them.

Life is a race to the future and in life it is more important be in the race than win it.

I have started to workout, actually it is spin cycling and weight lifting and i am interested in many more kinds of disciplines but this should do for now.

My public goals with the training is:
  • Loose weight down to 90kg - done
  • Loose weight down to BMI 30 - done(today)
  • Loose weight down to 85Kg
  • Loose weight down to 80Kg
  • Loose weight down to 75Kg
  • Loose weight down to 70Kg - hard to reach but i will be victorious *lol*
I have a bunch of hidden goals that wont be goals until those above is reached and i'm in a fairly good shape.

I must recommend a nice website for those who wish to keep track of your training: Shapelink

Now, enough about that
So what about a picture you ask?
It's a diagram over the tidal wave force when a spaceship traveling in faster than light speed(FTL), the expansion of space at its rear and the contraction of space in front that is.
It is published in Alcubierre's paper "The Warp Drive: Hyper-Fast Travel Within General Relativity"
Quotation "The theoretical physicist Miguel Alcubierre was born in Mexico City, where he lived until 1990 when he traveled to Cardiff in the UK to enter graduate school at the University of Wales. He received his PhD from that institution in 1993 for research in numerical general relativity, solving Einstein's gravitational equations with fast computers."

The sources is in the links.

It's about time i got dressed for a 30year anniversary. A friend of min celebrates it...
Bye for now